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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Game MMORPG Android Terbaik  Tech in Asia 10 Terbaik April 2016

MMORPG merupakan salah satu dari sekian jenis game yang begitu populer di mobile. Coba saja kamu hitung dan lihat berapa banyak jumlah game bergenre role playing yang mengharuskan pemainnya untuk online di luar sana. Meskipun sebagian besar di antara mereka mengklaim dirinya sebagai MMORPG, namun tidak semuanya benar-benar mewakili permainan MMORPG.
Bagi kami, sebuah game baru bisa dikatakan MMORPG apabila melibatkan interaksi serta kerja sama yang intens bersama para pemain lainnya. Beberapa contoh MMORPG bahkan menempatkan pemain dalam satu lokasi yang sama (atau dikenal lewat istilah instance), sehingga mereka bisa bahu-membahu menyelesaikan quest bersama-sama.
Dengan semakin bertambah banyaknya jumlah MMORPG di platform mobile, kami telah memilihkan beberapa judul terbaik yang patut kamu mainkan di perangkat kesayanganmu. Check them out!
1. Izanagi Samurai Ninja Online
Game buatan developer spesialis game online asal negara Jepang ini bisa dibilang merupakan salah satu MMORPG dengan judul terpanjang di platform mobile. Sesuai judulnya, dalam Izanagi Samurai Ninja Online kamu akan dibawa mengarungi dunia MMORPG yang melibatkan aksi kesatria ninja bertopeng, lengkap dengan kostum mereka yang terlihat modern.
Developer Asobimo, Inc. cukup berhasil menghadirkan aksi hack and slash yang luwes, lengkap dengan dukungan peta permainan yang luas, kontrol berbentuk radial yang dinamis, serta ekonomi yang bisa dipengaruhi oleh pemain. Berbicara soal grafis, penampilan Izanagiterbantu oleh penggunaan Unreal Engine yang membuat segalanya terlihat lebih tajam, meskipun memakan ruang memori yang tidak sedikit ketika diunduh untuk pertama kali.
Bila kamu mencari sebuah MMORPG yang seru, kami pikir kamu akan bersenang-senang memainkan Izanagi Samurai Ninja Online hingga kemudian baterai smartphone kamu habis dan meraung-raung meminta diisi ulang.
2. Order & Chaos 2: Redemption
Order & Chaos 2 | Screenshot
Membicarakan MMORPG di platform mobile belum lengkap jika tidak menyinggung serial game buatan Gameloft yang satu ini. Lewat iterasi kedua dari serial Order & Chaos, kali ini Gameloft menanggalkan mekanisme auto attack ala World of Warcraft, dan menggantinya dengan aksi hack and slash yang tak kalah seru dibandingkan Izanagi. Selain itu kamu juga diberikan dua fitur baru yang tidak terdapat di seri orisinalnya, yaitu Solo Dungeon dan Instant Quest.
Selain penambahan fitur baru, tampilan visual Order & Chaos 2: Redemption juga terlihat jauh lebih mendetail ketimbang versi orisinalnya yang pertama kali dirilis pada tahun 2011 lalu. Beberapa zona outdoor yang kamu jelajahi bahkan memiliki pergantian siang dan malam sehingga menambah kesan dramatisnya permainan.
Dengan grafisnya yang sangat bagus, Order & Chaos 2 memerlukan GPU smartphoneberkemampuan tinggi untuk bisa menghadirkan kualitas gambar yang sempurna. Dengan menggunakan smartphone yang dilengkapi GPU Adreno 330 pun, beberapa bagian gamemasih mengalami penurunan frame rate yang signifikan sehingga perlu dilakukan pengaturan di menu utama untuk memperbaiki performanya.
3.  Avabel Online
Kurang lebih tiga tahun lalu, Avabel Online merupakan salah satu MMORPG mobile dengan kualitas grafis 3D yang luar biasa di zamannya. Meskipun predikat tersebut berangsur-angsur memudar, namun hingga kini Avabel Online masih menjadi MMORPG yang relevan berkat dukungan update dari pihak developer, Asobimo, Inc.
Avabel Online memadukan tema high fantasy dengan sedikit nuansa steampunk yang menawan. Lewat tampilan dunianya yang sangat luas, kita dibawa mengarungi sebuah petualangan sureal yang melibatkan keberadaan pulau terbang, kastel di atas awan, serta monster mesin clockwork yang mematikan.
Selain itu di Avabel Online kita juga diberikan percabangan kelas yang cukup kompleks dengan lebih dari 35 pilihan kelas, meliputi Dark Knight, Ninja Assassin, Gunslinger, Elementalist, Exorcist, dan banyak lagi lainnya. Mengingat ada banyak sekali pilihan kelas yang disediakan, Avabel Online merupakan MMORPG dengan pemilihan kelas paling banyak di antara sekian judul game yang ada dalam daftar ini.
4. Dragonica Mobile
Dari namanya saja kamu mungkin sudah bisa menebak bahwa Dragonica Mobile adalah adaptasi dari MMORPG Dragonica Online yang cukup terkenal beberapa tahun silam di PC. Meski pada awalnya Dragonica Mobile terkesan seperti hanya membawa nama Dragonica Online saja, game buatan Funigloo ini ternyata memiliki pesona tersendiri yang membuatnya layak disejajarkan bersama MMORPG lainnya.
Beberapa fitur menarik yang bisa kita temukan di sini antara lain kemampuan untuk “meminjam” karakter pemain lain sebagai bala bantuan kala bertempur di medan perang. Kamu yang menginginkan tantangan lebih bisa juga menghadapi pemain lain di mode PvP, melakoni aktivitas raid, dan lain sebagainya.
Funigloo merombak beberapa bagian permainan Dragonica Online agar menjadi sebuah game hack and slash yang terasa nyaman dimainkan di perangkat touch screen. Kamu yang pernah bermain Dragonica Online versi PC bisa bernostalgia kembali memainkan Dragonica Mobiledi smartphone.
5. Kritika: The White Knights
Kritika The White Knights | Screenshot
Sebagai salah satu dari sekian game hack and slash berkualitas yang dirilis oleh Gamevil, terus terang saya kesulitan memilih antara Kritika: The White Knights atau Darkness Rebornyang sama-sama menghadirkan aksi grinding seru dengan tampilan menawan. Namun bila dikembalikan lagi kepada tema MMORPG, maka Kritika lah yang patut masuk ke dalam daftar ini.
Kritika: The White Knights adalah adaptasi mobile dari salah satu MMORPG populer asal Korea Selatan yang berjudul mirip. Bedanya jika dalam versi PC kita diajak melakoni transisi antarpeta yang melelahkan, Kritika: The White Knights justru menghadirkan aksi yang jauh lebih ringkas tanpa meninggalkan ciri khas pertarungan frontal ala Kritika yang sangat brutal.
Sekarang tinggal pilih mana yang cocok buatmu. Apakah lebih suka bermain menggunakan keyboard dan mouse? Atau bermain lewat layar smartphone sembari melakukan rutinitas lainnya di dunia nyata?
6. Stellacept Online
Phantasy Star Online adalah judul game pertama yang langsung terlintas di kepala saat merasakan kesan futuristis dari Stellacept Online. MMORPG buatan Asobimo, Inc. ini tampaknya memang berkiblat kepada game fantasi bertabur nuansa futuristis buatan SEGA tersebut. Hal ini tampak dari penampilan kelas karakternya yang mirip, serta tema petualangan antarplanet yang sekilas mirip dengan Xenoblade.
Keunikan tema yang dimiliki Stellacept Online menjadikannya sebagai satu-satunya gamebernuansa futuristis yang bisa kamu temukan dalam daftar ini. Seandainya kamu menyukai dua judul game yang saya referensikan tadi, maka Stellacept Online adalah MMORPG mobileyang cocok buat kamu.
7.  Age of Wushu: Dynasty
Age of Wushu Dynasty | Screenshot
Lagi-lagi sebuah adaptasi MMO terkenal ke dalam versi mobile. Sama seperti Age of Wushu di PC, Age of Wushu: Dynasty menyajikan aksi pertarungan tangan kosong yang sangat seru, di mana kita terlibat dalam perseteruan tiga klan antara Wudang, Shaolin, dan Tangmen.
Snail Games selaku pihak developer telah mempertahankan beragam hal yang menjadi ciri khas game MMO ini, mulai dari pemilihan kelas karakter yang turut menentukan cerita, hingga aksi pertarungan tangan kosong yang lincah berbalut efek visual menawan. Tak hanya itu di sini kamu juga disuguhkan cara bernavigasi yang unik, yaitu dengan cara terbang mengitari bangunan layaknya aksi dalam film kungfu Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Kabar baiknya lagi, saat daftar ini dibuat, Snail Games tengah menggodok update baru untuk menggenjot permainan PvP dalam Age of Wushu: Dynasty. Nantinya pemain dapat menikmati mode Survival untuk menentukan siapa yang paling tangguh dan membentuk klan perguruan mereka sendiri dalam persaingan antarklan berskala besar. Menarik bukan?
8. Toram Online
Sekilas membaca namanya saja, kamu mungkin akan menganggap remeh MMORPG buatan Asobimo, Inc. ini karena terdengar cukup aneh. Namun begitu kamu menyempatkan diri untuk mencoba Toram Onlinegame ini adalah salah satu MMO bergaya JRPG yang layak diperhitungkan.
Mirip MMORPG lain buatan Asobimo, Iruna Onlinegame satu ini juga menggunakan penggambaran karakter berwajah imut ala anime. Meskipun demikian, permainan Toram Online terasa cukup kompleks berkat implementasi skill tree yang bercabang serta kustomisasi karakter yang sangat mendalam.
Kamu yang terbiasa memainkan game MMO berbasis auto attack ala World of Warcraft akan merasa familier dengan permainan Toram Online. Cukup tap musuh yang ingin dilawan, gunakan skill terkuat karaktermu, dan silakan pungut harta jarahan dari musuh yang kamu hadapi.
9. Warspear Online
Seandainya beberapa pilihan game dalam daftar ini dirasa terlalu berat untuk dimainkan lewat perangkat mobile yang kamu punya, maka Warspear Online menjadi alternatif terbaik yang bisa kamu temukan dalam daftar ini. Dilihat dari penampilannya, Warspear Onlinetampak seperti MMORPG yang pernah populer di Indonesia, yaitu Nexia – The Kingdom of the Winds. Hal ini tampak dari penggunaan grafis piksel yang sangat sederhana, hingga terkesan seperti sebuah game dari era console 16-bit.
Meskipun penampilannya terbilang sederhana, namun game buatan Ai Grind ini merupakan MMO dengan daftar platform paling banyak dan usia paling lama di antara sekian judul gameyang ada dalam daftar. Warspear Online saat ini sudah bisa dimainkan di PC Windows, Linux, iOS, Windows Mobile, Android, serta handphone berbasis Symbian.
Untuk permainannya sendiri, Warspear Online mengusung mekanisme auto attack seperti beberapa judul game yang telah saya sebutkan di atas. Menariknya lagi, kamu juga diberikan kelas karakter yang berbeda-beda tergantung dari faksi yang kamu pilih di awal permainan.
Kamu bisa bermain sebagai kaum barbar dari faksi Mountain Clans, menjadi pengguna ilmu hitam yang jahat dengan bergabung bersama Forsaken, atau menjadi seorang Druid dari faksi Firstborn yang didominasi kaum Elf. Silakan pilih.
10. Arcane Legends
Arcane Legends | Screenshot
Game MMO persembahan dari kreator game MOBA Call of Champions ini bisa dibilang merupakan alternatif kedua bagi kamu yang menginginkan sebuah MMO seru tapi tidak mempunyai smartphone keluaran terkini.
Di masa kemunculannya tahun 2012 silam, Arcane Legends adalah pionir game MMO mobileyang bisa kamu unduh dan mainkan secara gratis tanpa dikenakan biaya berlangganan sama sekali. Hal ini berbeda dengan Order & Chaos Online yang di tahun sama sempat dibanderol sekitar Rp92.000 dan belum termasuk biaya abonemen internet per bulan.
Arcane Legends juga dilengkapi beberapa fitur seperti yang biasa kamu temui dalam sebuah MMORPG di PC, mulai dari questdaily quest, membentuk guild, hingga aktivitas boss raid. Seandainya kamu merasa terlambat lima tahun untuk bermain, developer Spacetime Studios juga menyediakan pembelian level (power leveling) yang bisa kamu tebus menggunakan mata uang IAP.
Itu lah 10 game MMORPG android terbaik  Tech in Asia 10 terbaik April 2016 apakah anda ingin mencoba? silahkan download di appstore atau di Google Play. Silahkan mencoba keseruan dari game diatas ya. Terima Kasih.

Online games are some of the parts of the internet, and in 2010s, online gaming is a very big thing, it's not an easy thing to make to begin with, since every single year games become more enchanched, just like how technology always become better from time to time. However, unlike in 2000s, online gaming also become a career of professional player's life, because there are a lot of gaming tournament with a bucket load of prize pool. The highest prize pool yet in gaming tournament is 8.8 million USD for the winning team which is actually ridiculous.

Let's look back to our past time when our parents always told us not to play games when we were young, but now our era is different, with playing games we can earn money too. In this post, I will explain 2 games that can win you a lot of money.

Counter Strike : Global Offensive

Counter-Strike : Global Offensive, usually called CS:GO, is a multiplayer first person shooter (FPS) game that is developed by valve, it's the fourth game of the Counter-Strike franchise. CS:GO got much better graphic and much less bug than the older CS games. However, the gameplay is pretty much the same with the older games, the most popular map is still de_dust2 and the objective of that map is still defending/bombing the bombsite. Of course there are some addition such as zombie mode, new weapons, and etc, but most of the people prefer the original game mode over the new modes. Despite being more or less the same game as it's previous version, this game is still very popular to many of the FPS games fans, and of course there are tournaments for this game. The highest prizepool yet is 1.4 million USD in total in the ELEAGUE Season 1 Series.


Dota 2 is a free-to-play Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) video game that is developed by Valve. Wait a minute, if there is dota 2, it means dota 1 exist? Yes. Prior to dota 2, dota 1 is a warcrafts's community game mod created by Icefrog, and dota it self is actually stand for (Defense of the Ancients). Just like how improved the graphics of CS:GO, Dota 2 also got an insanely beautiful graphics, but also the same as CS:GO, the objective of dota 1 and dota 2 is the same, your goal is always to destroy your enemy's throne, it never got changed. However, what made me think dota 2 is more interesting than CS:GO is because Dota 2 got it gameplay/patch updated hugely around every 3 months, and there will always be a little update every patch, making the game is not all static like Counter-Strike, that all you do is shoot your enemy for more than a decade already, but basically most of the characters or usually called heroes in dota 2 worked differently every time the patch got changed. Some of the heroes in dota can be very strong (overpowered) and some other heroes can be very weak in a patch but it could be the opposite when the patch got changed, that's what make dota is a very interesting game. Also, your objective is to destroy your enemy's throne, but there are hundred ways to destroy it, from the most realistic ways, to the most mind blowing way.

Do you want to make a guess to this online game highest prizepool yet? It's not 1 million, not 2, but over 20 million USD!!! This game can make you so rich if you are able to find a good team, and of course if you are good at this game too.

However, although it's very surprising that games can make you rich, you also have to realize that it's not easy to be a professional gamer. You need to work hard just like how every other sport players work for their tournaments, and just like sports, you won't get much if you and your team are not the best, or at least on top 10 best teams.

Maybe i have gone to far about what do you need to do after being a professional player, because being 1 of the professional players is already hard. In these 2 games that has been discussed, both of these games, and if you started playing alone, you will suffer because of the rude players, trolls, professionals that made new id, etc. How to avoid them? YOU CAN'T!!! If you meet those kinds of people in your games, what you need to do is to just ignore them and do your best for your team, like, you can't be unlucky forever, sometimes you will get bad teams, but there will be times when you get good teams, just don't play if you are in bad condition like stress because it will affect your gameplay. Always look for something new that will improve yourself, because in tournament learning very important. Lastly, if you want to be a professional player, you need to be determined for it, if not, you will never reach that point, but how if you are not determined? Just play for fun, that's it, like what games should have been the first time it was made.

1 more thing, if you live in countries that is listed on this link, your chance of being a pro player is already divided by at least 2, so, good luck with that :D

Good Luck and Have Fun!

Posted by : Ivan Hosea
NRP : 216116524

Google's search engine is undeniably the most well-known search engine in the internet, it already helped countless number of people's researches since the first time it launched. However, have you ever type something in google search but something else other than the search results appear?

If no, here are some google search's gimmicks:

do a barrel roll

As you see in this video, if you type "do a barrel roll" in google's search engine, the browser's page will roll 360 degrees. It will roll not only the half page shown on the monitor, but you will also see the remaining half of the search engine getting rolled too!


Do you see anything wierd? The page was tilted for a little. This is what "askew" does in google's search engine. Based on the dictionary, askew means "not in a straight or level position".

blink html / <blink>

If you type "<blink>" google's search engine, it would make every single "blink" word on the page blinking, whereas if you type "blink html", it will make every "blink" and every "html" word blinking.

zerg rush

This gimmick is very interesting, this gimmick is more than just special effects like the other 3 gimmicks explained above, this gimmick is actually a game, if you type "zerg rush" in google's search engine, some zerglinks which is actually "O" letters, and they will eat your search result page, what you need to do here is to prevent all of your search engine from being eaten by the hungry zerglinks, how? You need to click them a few times in order to kill them, this game is an endless game and your score is the amount of the zerglinks that you successfully killed, you can also see your APM (action per minute) and you can click "clear" in order to quit the game and go to the real search result page instead. When all of the result page has been eaten, the zerglinks unite together to create the word GG which means Good Game. Below the GG word that is created by the zerglinks you can click "Share score" to share your zerg rush score.

Those are some of the gimmicks of google search, you can try it whenever you can if you don't believe.

Posted by : Ivan Hosea
NRP : 216116524

If we compare the technology between the past 50 years, & now, we will see how different it is. In the last 5 decades the technology had grown a lot, making what we thought impossible in the past became highly possible now. How about if we compare present technology & future technology 50 years from now? The easiest way to predict that is to think about something that looks impossible at the moment, but don't predict things that are too unrealistic. To help you out, here are a timeline about the technology from the past 50 years until now.

1960Snowmobiles were created.
1962William Armistead and S. Donald Stookey of Corning Glass Works invent light-sensitive (photochromic) glass.
1963Ivan Sutherland develops Sketchpad, one of the first computer-aided design programs.
1964IBM helps to pioneer e-commerce with an airline ticket reservation system called SABRE.
1965Frank Pantridge develops the portable defibrillator for treating cardiac arrest patients.
1966Stephanie Kwolek patents a super-strong plastic called Kevlar.
1967Japanese company Noritake invents the vacuum fluorescent display (VFD).
1968Alfred Y. Cho and John R. Arthur, Jr invent a precise way of making single crystals called molecular beam epitaxy (MBE).
  • World's first solar power station opened in France.
  • Long before computers become portable, Alan Kay imagines building an electronic book, which he nicknames the Dynabook.
  • Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith invent the CCD (charge-coupled device): the light-sensitive chip used in digital cameras, webcams, and other modern optical equipment.
  • Douglas Engelbart develops the computer mouse.
  • James Russell invents compact discs.
  • Electronic ink is pioneered by Nick Sheridon at Xerox PARC.
  • Ted Hoff builds the first single-chip computer or microprocessor.
  • Martin Cooper develops the first handheld cellphone (mobile phone).
  • Robert Metcalfe figures out a simple way of linking computers together that he names Ethernet. Most computers hooked up to the Internet now use it.
1974First grocery-store purchase of an item coded with a barcode.
  • Pico Electronics develops X-10 home automation system.
  • Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman invent public-key cryptography.
1976Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs launch the Apple I: one of the world's first personal home computers.
1980Japanese electrical pioneer Akio Morita develops the Sony Walkman, the first truly portable player for recorded music.
  • Stung by Apple's success, IBM releases its own affordable personal computer (PC).
  • The Space Shuttle makes its maiden voyage.
  • Patricia Bath develops laser eye surgery for removing cataracts.
1982Alexei Ekimov and Louis E. Brus (independently) discover quantum dots.
1983Compact discs (CDs) are launched as a new way to store music by the Sony and Philips corporations.
1987Larry Hornbeck, working at Texas Instruments, develops DLP® projection—now used in many projection TV systems.
1989Tim Berners-Lee invents the World Wide Web.
1990German watchmaking company Junghans introduces the MEGA 1, believed to be the world's first radio-controlled wristwatch.
1991Linus Torvalds creates the first version of Linux, a collaboratively written computer operating system.
  • American-born mathematician John Daugman perfects the mathematics that make iris scanning systems possible.
  • Israeli computer scientists Alon Cohen and Lior Haramaty invent VoIP for sending telephone calls over the Internet.
  • Broadcast.com becomes one of the world's first online radio stations.
  • Pierre Omidyar launches the eBay auction website.
1996WRAL-HD broadcasts the first high-definition television (HDTV) signal in the United States.
1997Electronics companies agree to make Wi-Fi a worldwide standard for wireless Internet.
  • Apple revolutionizes music listening by unveiling its iPod MP3 music player.
  • Richard Palmer develops energy-absorbing D3O plastic.
  • The Wikipedia online encyclopedia is founded by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales.
  • Bram Cohen develops BitTorrent file-sharing.
2002iRobot Corporation releases the first version of its Roomba® vacuum cleaning robot.
2005A pioneering low-cost laptop for developing countries called OLPC is announced by MIT computing pioneer Nicholas Negroponte.
  • Amazon.com launches its Kindle electronic book (e-book) reader.
  • Apple introduces a touchscreen cellphone called the iPhone.
  • Apple releases its touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad.
  • 3D TV starts to become more widely available.
2013Elon Musk announces "hyperloop"—a giant, pneumatic tube transport system.
2015Supercomputers (the world's fastest computers) are now a mere 30 times less powerful than human brains.
2016Three nanotechnologists win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for building miniature machines out of molecules.

So, what kind of new technology do you think will be created in the future?

Posted by : Ivan Hosea
NRP : 216116524

Friday, November 4, 2016

Internet is undeniably very important for nowadays life, but how if your internet is slow? You need to wait several seconds to go to the other page, you have a big chance of failure while downloading from internet and if you stream online video, it will buffer a lot, and who is not irritated by that? Internet connection all around the world are ranked by countries, and here are the top 10 countries with the slowest internet connection:

10. Malaysia

Malaysia is the country located in Southeast Asia. In Malaysia internet was started form 1995 A.D. It is the first country which has slowest internet connection. It has 16% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the tenth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 4.0% from the last quarter. This country is overcoming the problem in the speed of tortoise. There is no such progress in the problem of overcoming the slow internet connection problem.

9. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is the country located in Central Asia. In Kazakhstan internet was effective form 2001 A.D. It is the ninth country which has slowest internet connection. It has 16% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the ninth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 4.2% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is not satisfactory in this country.

8. Indonesia

Indonesia is the country located in Southeast Asia. In Indonesia internet was started form 1983 A.D. It is the eighth country which has slowest internet connection. It has 19% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the eighth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 13% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the slow internet connection problem is quite satisfactory.

7. Syria

Syria is the country located in Western Asia. In Syria internet was effective from 2003 A.D. It is the seventh country which has slowest internet connection. It has 19% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the seventh highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 10% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem is very slow in this country.

6. Bolivia

Bolivia is the country located in central South America. In Bolivia internet was effective from 2000 A.D. It is the sixth country which has slowest internet connection. It has 25% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the sixth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 22% from the last quarter. This country is overcoming more rapidly the problem amongst of the countries with slower speed. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is very good in this country.

5. India

India is the country located in South Asia. In India internet was started from 1995 A.D. It is the fifth country which has slowest internet connection. It has 27% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the fifth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 5.6% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is not good in this country.

4. Iran

Iran is the country located in Western Asia. In Iran internet was started from 1993 A.D. It is the fourth country which has slowest internet connection. It has 30% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the fourth highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 6.0% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is not satisfactory in this country.

3. Nigeria

Nigeria is the country located in West Africa. In Nigeria, internet was started from 1995. It is the third country which has slowest internet connection. It has 31% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the third highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 16% from the last quarter. This country is showing progress in solving the problem. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is quite satisfactory in this country.

2. Nepal

Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia. Internet was effective form 1994 A.D. in Nepal. It is the second country which has slowest internet connection. It has 32% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the second highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 4.0% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is very poor in this country.

1. Libya

Libya is the country in the Maghreb region of North Africa. In Libya internet was effective from 2000 A.D. It is the first country which has slowest internet connection. It has 52% internet connection below the speed of 256 kbps. This is the highest percentage of slow internet connections. Though it has slowest speed, this problem was decreased by 5.7% from the last quarter. The speed of overcoming the problem of slow internet connection is not good in this country.

Do you live in any of these countries? If yes, you should be patient because of the internet :)

Posted by : Ivan Hosea
NRP : 216116524

It's quite ridiculous if you don't know about google nowadays, mostly if you are able to reach this blog. However, did you know if google is more than just a search engine? There are lots of application that google had. Here are some of them:

Google Chrome

Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google. It was first released in 2008, for Microsoft Windows, and was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS and Android. Google Chrome is also the main component of Chrome OS, where it serves a platform for running web apps.
Google releases the majority of Chrome's source code as the Chromium open-source project. A notable component that is not open-source is the built-in Adobe Flash Player (that Chrome will start blocking later in 2016). Chrome used the WebKit layout engine until version 27. As of version 28, all Chrome ports except the iOS port use Blink, a fork of the WebKit engine.

As of September 2016, StatCounter estimates that Google Chrome has a 62% worldwide usage share of web browsers as a desktop browser. It also has 50% market share across all platforms combined, because it's also the most popular browser for smartphones. Its success has led to Google expanding the "Chrome" brand name on various other products such as Chromecast, Chromebook, Chromebit, Chromebox and Chromebase.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service created by Google. It allows users to store files in the cloud, synchronize files across devices, and share files. Google Drive encompasses Google Docs, Sheets and Slides, an office suite that permits collaborative editing of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more.

Google Drive was launched on April 24, 2012, and had 240 million monthly active users in October 2014. Google said in September 2015 that they had over one million organizational paying users of Google Drive.

Google Mail

Google Mail or commonly called aGmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. Users may access Gmail as secure webmail, as well as via POP3 or IMAP4 protocols. Gmail started as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004 and it became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, though still in beta status at that time. The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009, along with the rest of the Google Apps suite.
With an initial storage capacity offer of 1 GB per user, Gmail significantly increased the webmail standard for free storage from the 2 to 4 MB its competitors such as Hotmail offered at that time. Today, individual Gmail messages, including attachments, may be up to 25 MB. Gmail has a search-oriented interface and a "conversation view" similar to an Internet forum. Gmail is noted by web developers for its pioneering use of Ajax. Gmail runs on Google GFE/2.0 on Linux. As of February 2016, it was the most widely used web-based email provider with over 1 billion active users worldwide. According to a 2014 estimate, 60% of mid-sized US companies were using Gmail. In May 2014, Gmail became the first app on the Google Play Store to hit one billion installations on Android devices.


Google+ is an interest-based social network that is owned and operated by Google.

The service, Google's fourth foray into social networking, experienced strong growth in its initial years, although usage statistics have varied, depending on how the service is defined. Three Google executives have overseen the service, which has undergone substantial changes leading to a redesign in November 2015.

Those are just some of the Google Apps, which one do you think is the most useful?

Posted by : Ivan Hosea
NRP : 216116524

Imagine a Where’s Waldo book with nothing but black and white pictures. Good luck using his candy-stripe sweater as a visual cue. Now you know what it’s like trying to find a virus on a greyscale microscopic image. Microbiologists have dealt with this problem for decades, because when things get small, things go dark. Photons, bits of light essential to discerning color, are too clunky to resolve anything much smaller than say, a synapse connecting two neurons. If you want to look at things like viruses, bacteria, or molecules passing through cell walls, you must use an electron microscope.
The devices, developed in the 1930s, use electromagnetic coils to bombard a chemically-prepped, vacuum-sealed specimen with, you guessed it, electrons. The resulting image is more like a shadow casting than a photograph, with the particles revealing shapes, depth, contours, and texture. But not color. Which sucks, because color is an excellent way of finding things—important things—hidden in an image.
Finding all those microscopic Waldos will be much easier, because investigators at the Center for Research in Biological Systems at UC San Diego developed a method for adding color to electron microscopic imagery. The method, published today in Cell Chemical Biology, involves two key technological developments: Treating specimens with rare earth metals, then examining them under a special type of electron microscope typically used to analyze novel synthetic materials.
The colorizing process starts like normal electron microscopy. Electrons like metal, so the microscopist treats the specimen with a heavy metal, like lead, then creates a greyscale image—the base layer. The next step is treating the specimen with different types of rare earth metals called lanthanides (also used in lithium-ion batteries). Lanthanides are pickier than heavy metals and only stick to certain molecule types, which makes those the only molecules the electron microscope sees. The microscopist processes the image, assigns the layer a color—say, green—and layers it on top of the grayscale base layer.


“So now we have something that makes Waldo stand out from everything else, because we take one picture where everything that wasn’t Waldo disappears into grayscale, and then assign the Waldo molecules a color, like orange, and then put that back together with the greyscale,” says Mark Ellisman, microscopist at CRBS and co-author of the study. “We’ve found a way of making multiple Waldos stand out based on the way they interact with the electrons we throw at them.” That’s fine, but Waldo wore a red (striped) shirt, not orange.
At the moment, the team can add just two or three colors per image. “The hardest part is being able to use several metal treatments in sequence without one cross contaminating the others,” says Ellisman. This electron colorizing work builds upon research that earned co-author Roger Tsien, who died in August, a Nobel in 2008. His death has done more than leave the team without a leader. It’s left them hurting for money. “We are thinking of crowdfunding to keep his vision going,” says Ellisman. The next big goal, in other words, is finding the color green.

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